Thursday, April 3, 2014

Customer Credit Snapshot - Receivables Manager Report

Customer Credit Snapshot - Receivables Manager Report

Few people know this. Oracle EBusiness Suite Release 12 (R12) has a built-in concurrent report is available to get all the credit amounts for a customer. This report fetches data from Order Entry, Service Contracts, Other service requests, etc. The output is divided into multiple ageing buckets for ease of analysis.

Responsibility: US Receivables Manager
Navigation Path: Control > Requests > Run
Report Name: Customer Credit Snapshot

Here is the screenshot with concurrent request submission and parameters:
  01 - credit snapshot - submission
 ... And here is a sample input. This report can either be run for a single customer (By the parameter Customer Account Number) or by Ageing Buckets or Books.

Report data is only for operating units per Responsibility and Preferences.

Casino Gaming US                                                                        Report Date: 29-MAR-2014 10:32
                                                    Customer Credit Snapshot

Collector Name              :                                  To

Customer Name               :                                  To

Customer Number             : 15770                            To   15770

Bucket Type                 : Credit SnapShot                  To   Credit SnapShot

Casino Gaming US                                        Customer Credit Snapshot                         Report Date: 29-MAR-2014 10:32
                                                                                                            Page:     1  of       3

Customer Name:  Ideal Gambling Services                                       Customer Age  2.4 Years
Customer Number:  15770                                                     Address Age:  2.4 Years
Billing Address:  3601 Las Vegas Blvd. South                                    Contact:
                 LAS VEGAS, , NV  89109                                          Phone:
                 United States
      Location:  Sales-LAS VEGAS

Currency:  USD

------------------ Current Aging ------------------          -------------------- Customer History -------------------
Bucket                              Amount  Percent          Indicator                              Amount   Date
-------------------- ---------------------  -------          ---------------------------- ----------------   ---------
Current                               0.00     0.0%          Largest Invoice                    519,104.00   29-DEC-12
1-30 Days Past Due               90,841.53    80.9%          Highest Credit Limit                 No Limit
31-60 Days Past Due              17,684.54    15.7%
61-90 Days Past Due                   0.00     0.0%          ----------------- Rolling 12-Month Summary --------------
91-180 Days Past Due                  0.00     0.0%          Indicator                              Amount       Count
181-360 Days Past Du              3,634.78     3.2%          ---------------------------- ----------------   ---------
361+ Days Past Due                    0.00     0.0%          Sales Gross                        915,299.73         471
                         ----------------                   Payments                          -767,867.86          72
Outstanding Balance:            112,160.85  100.00%          Credits                           -120,825.09           9
                                                            Finance Charges                          0.00           0
On Account Credit:             -1,253.22                   Amount Written Off                       7.03
    Unapplied Cash:                  0.00                   Earned Discounts Taken                   0.00
   On Account Cash:             -1,364.49                   Unearned Discounts Taken                 0.00
                         ----------------                   NSF/Stop Payments                        0.00           0
  Adjusted Balance:            109,543.14                   Average Payment Days                                   34
                                                            Average Days Late                                      24
     ( In Collection                 0.00       )           Number Of Late Payments                               435
                                                            Number Of On Time Payments                             38

----Customer Level Credit Summary---
----------------------- Credit Summary ----------------------
Indicator                                                Value
-------------------------------------------------  -----------
Credit Tolerance                                            0%
Credit Rating                                              N/A
Risk Code                                                  N/A
Credit Hold                                                 No
Account Status                                             N/A
Standard Terms                                            None
Exempt From Dunning                                         No
Collector                                         Doctor Smith

Indicator                                   Amount       Value
--------------------------------  ----------------  ----------
Currency                                                  USD
Credit Limit                            25,000.00
Order Credit Limit
Available Credit                             0.00
Exceeded Credit Amount                 -85,796.36

Casino Gaming US                                        Customer Credit Snapshot                         Report Date: 29-MAR-2014 10:32
                                                                                                            Page:     2  of       3

----------------------------------------------------- Last Transaction Summary -----------------------------------------------------
Transaction       Number          Type            Related Invoice Currency           Amount  Date      Days Since Next Trx Date
----------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------  --------- ---------- ------------------
Invoice           1703583         WAP-INV         N/A             USD              3,812.53  07-JAN-15         22
Credit Memo       323151          Capital Lease-C 323107          USD            -68,620.00  04-DEC-14         56
Guarantee         None
Deposit           None
Debit Memo        None
Chargeback        None
Payment           89913           Cash                            USD              6,349.47  30-DEC-14         30
Adjustment        None
Writeoff          N/A                             1699209         USD                 -0.02  02-JAN-15         27
Statement         None
Dunning           None
NSF/Stop Payment  None
Telephone Contact None
Credit Hold       None

Casino Gaming US                                        Customer Credit Snapshot                         Report Date: 29-MAR-2014 10:32
                                                                                                            Page:     3  of       3

Customer Name:  Ideal Gambling Services                                       Customer Age  2.4 Years
Customer Number:  15770                                                     Address Age:  2.4 Years
Billing Address:  Attention: Accounts Payable                                   Contact:
                 P.O. Box 98786                                                  Phone:
                 LAS VEGAS, , NV  89193-8786
                 United States
      Location:  Parts-LAS VEGAS

----Customer Level Credit Summary---
----------------------- Credit Summary ----------------------
Indicator                                                Value
-------------------------------------------------  -----------
Credit Tolerance                                            0%
Credit Rating                                              N/A
Risk Code                                                  N/A
Credit Hold                                                 No
Account Status                                             N/A
Standard Terms                                            None
Exempt From Dunning                                         No
Collector                                         Doctor Smith

Indicator                                   Amount       Value
--------------------------------  ----------------  ----------
Currency                                                  USD
Credit Limit                            25,000.00
Order Credit Limit
Available Credit                        25,000.00
Exceeded Credit Amount                       0.00

----------------------------------------------------- Last Transaction Summary -----------------------------------------------------
Transaction       Number          Type            Related Invoice Currency           Amount  Date      Days Since Next Trx Date
----------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- ----------------  --------- ---------- ------------------
Invoice           None
Credit Memo       None
Guarantee         None
Deposit           None
Debit Memo        None
Chargeback        None
Payment           None
Adjustment        None
Writeoff          None
Statement         None
Dunning           None
NSF/Stop Payment  None
Telephone Contact None
Credit Hold       None

This is a standard functionality in Oracle Release 12 (R12). No customizations or setups required for this to work.

NJoy :)