When Credit Card Authorization Reversal API is called, the EBS
returns the following error:
Results: V_REV_reversal_response.Result_Code
Result_MessageTransaction extension does not exist.
Results: V_reauth_response.Result_Code Result_Category Result_Message
This create multiple Credit Card Authorizations occur for a single
customer for a single user. This might also create indirect issues like Customer
Credit Limit Exposure, Multiple Fund Capture for a single Transaction, etc.
Potential Causes of this problem:
- > Current Transaction is not completed
- > Another payment process is using or accessing current transaction
Step 1: Identify Problem Credit Card Transaction. May require some
tweaking of the WHERE Clauses.
This happens when the to-be-reversed transaction is being used in a
previous transaction. The same API call after a few seconds (Let us say 20 second
delay) will work perfectly.
An easier solution is to create a new concurrent program to reverse
and subsequently authorize with 20 second delayed start time J
We use Cyber Source Payment Gateway Model for Credit Card
Processing. But this issue is entirely within EBS and can happen to any Payment
Gateway or Processor.
Oracle EBS, iPayment, Payments, CC Credit Card, Auth,
Authorization, Auth Reversal, Auth Void, Payment Gateway, Cyber Source, CYS